ELENA TORDINI is a person, a brand and their history.

The person was born in 1970 in Prato and she plays with pencils, dolls and fabrics throughout her childhood and beyond. The dresses that are formed in her mother’s hands, a seamstress by profession and passion, become the favorite subject of her drawings which, over time, transform from evening dresses for fairy tale princesses to fashion sketches during high school.
The atmosphere of Florence and the splendor of her arts kidnap and shape her, however she is the textile soul of the city of origin that absorbs her almost completely for a long time.
Thread, fabric, design. These are the elements of a daily life that educates and identifies it.

The brand was born in 2019 in Cagliari, following the transfer to Sardinia.
Changing place is synonymous with a profound, but not radical, transformation. The origins remain firm and sublimate themselves with the new, ancient culture. Tuscany and Sardinia meet and create the red smile, symbol of the first HAPPINESS collection, which arises in a light, spontaneous and empathetic way.
To be worn on the soul and lived in everyday life by designing new smiles and much more, including T-shirts and accessories.

The CARLOTTA bag is her latest work and the first of her presented in collaboration with MYCLAH.com.

Selected for Myclah


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