Passing the A14 southbound, after Ancona, it is practically impossible not to notice the imposing Basilica of Loreto which stands on a small hill.

For me Loreto has always had a very special emotional meaning. I was born in Loreto because my mother is a native of Loreto.

l’interno con la Santa Casa

 Over the years, our relatives visits to Loreto have always been a source of joy and fun for me. In my opinion, the Basilica is one of the most beautiful sacred places in Italy, so majestic, rich in history, art and culture. Inside, protected by a precious sculptural marble cube depicting sacred figures, is the Holy House of Mary which, according to the Catholic faith, was transported from Nazareth to Loreto by the angels.


il marmo consumato dalle ginocchia dei fedeli

la Madonna Nera

Beyond religious faith, it is certainly suggestive to see the statue of the Black Madonna with Child inside the house. Above all, it is really impressive to see the marble step around the house completely consumed by the faithful who over the centuries have prayed while walking around it genuflected. March 25, the day of our visit, is a feast day for the Sanctuary: the Annunciation of the Angels to Mary Mother of God. For the occasion, the statue of the Black Madonna is taken out of the Holy House and placed on the altar.

La Mole sul porto di Ancona

compagne di viaggio Chiara Raggi e Claudia Gatti

My companion for this journey between the sacred and the profane could only be my dear friend Chiara Raggi, entrepreneur, music producer and songwriter with an angelic voice. After the morning spent visiting the Basilica and the small town of Loreto which offers, among other things, a truly beautiful panoramic view on the side of Porta Marina, we left for Ancona.

Our destination: the suggestive Mole Vanvitelliana on the port of Ancona. This is the former Lazaretto of the city once reachable only by boats as it is located on an artificial island. The history of this construction is really interesting because over the centuries it has represented a lot for the city with different uses and functions.

Gli accessori di Frida

Ammirando ‘Le due Frida’

Today the Vanvitelliana Mole Fund Association deals with the enhancement of the Mole through the coordination of cultural activities. We visited the exhibition on Frida Kahlo – Frida: a life in images. Over 100 shots by some of the masters of photography of the early twentieth century, reconstruct the life against the tide of this woman, a great Mexican artist. Looking at the photos and following the path from a child to an adult woman, one can understand better and better the reasons why it has become a global icon.

I was fascinated by Frida’s modernity, by her care in mixing accessories, matching prints, to the point that some photos would be said to have been taken very recently. This exhibition will be open until May 22, 2022.

Our one day #MYCLAHonTheRoad doesn’t stop there. Soon there will be a wonderful new itinerary in our beautiful Italy to discover.

la modernità di Frida

Cavallo Rosso di Palladino simbolo della Mole


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