Our journey to discover women with Myclahttitude continues.
What is it ? It’s the natural predisposition to positive thinking, to concrete action, the desire to do well and generate the beautiful and good.

This week I interviewed an ambassador from Cagliari , a lawyer who loves to dream with classical ballet and fashion. She strongly believes in teaming up with other women. By reading you will find out how she did it.
Enjoy the reading!
Claudia Gatti

Ciao Alessandra, to allow everyone to get to know you better for the first question, I would like to start a bit from afar. You are a lawyer and you practice your profession but your real passion has always been the dance. What did the little Alessandra dream about?

I saw my first ballet at the age of 4. My mom brought me, I remember it as if it was yesterday. Since then, I started studying dance. I grew up, like so many girls of my age , with the myth of Carla Fracci and the dream of the child Alessandra was to be able to vibrate light and sweet in the air as she did with the wonderful stage dresses and the wide and fluttering tulle skirts.

We know that beyond dance your great passion of all time is fashion. Over the past couple of years, this passion of yours has merged into the creation of a Made in Sardinia project, the AM Alessandra Margi accessories collection. Tell us.

The passion for fashion has distant origins. The dancers have a strong aesthetic sense and grow up surrounded by beauty and art. The stage clothes are fairytale and remain in your heart and eyes forever. I believe my passion was born there, combined with the love for my extraordinary island. Two years ago I had bags made for me to represent me (the eco-fur is the symbol of my respect for animals) that were therefore capacious for every day but at the same time elegant and unique in their kind. The idea was immediately liked by the friends and then by the friends of the friends, and so the first production began. Today, in addition to bags, we make other accessories to allow women of all ages and with different lifestyles to have our exclusive product because it is strictly handmade by seamstresses who live here in Sardinia and with fine fabrics that often recall the Sardinian tradition.

Lawyer, mother of two, wife, entrepreneur and dancer with a certain dedication to your social channels. Tell us what is your secret for all this energy? Maybe women really have an edge?

I am an enthusiast, I love to travel, I am positively curious and I deeply love what I do. I think this is a bit of the secret. We women are naturally inclined to dedicate ourselves with care and attention to the things we do and this makes us very good in many areas. But it cannot be generalized; still today many women are forced to manage too many aspects of everyday life just because they are women. It is not always a choice and even less is it a conscious choice.

You have a fair number of female followers who support you on social media and with whom you share your style and beauty tips. How important is sharing and support between women? In your opinion, can social networks be of support in this?

I love women deeply. The wonderful relationship with my mom taught me how strong and extraordinary we can be. In my social channels I often talk about teaming up with each other because I recognize that we are “genetically modified” to make war and not support us. Social media have enormous power in conveying messages and I, in my small way, fight this mindset, trying to convey a positive message, not just in words. In fact, in my company I wanted to create a small team of women only that I hope will one day become big, to give work to other women.

Sardinia is your land and you bring its sunshine and energy with you, you also have a part of Tuscany that certainly strengthens your component of sympathy and spontaneity. What is your place of the heart?

Apart from Sardinia and Tuscany, I don’t have a particular place in my heart. I am a natural born traveler, and wherever I go I fall in love with th place leaving a piece of my heart.

You know that on Myclah.com we talk about Italian style and fashion. What is the garment that can never be missing from your wardrobe?

I could never miss a suit emblem of sober and essential elegance. But also a soft tulle skirt to wear with the two top accessories for me: the AM bag and the 12 heel pumps!!!

Finally: a new year has just begun, what projects do you have ahead for 2021?

I’ll answer you with a phrase from Anthony de Mello that I like very much: “Life is that thing that happens to us while we are busy making other projects”. So I don’t make plans.

Our selection inspired by Alessandra

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